Haunted Houses

If you are a regular reader of my blogs, perhaps you were wondering if I’d get around to writing about paranormal activities. After all, working in so many very old houses for the purpose of photography does expose me to the possibility of coming in contact with the paranormal.

I’ll cut to the chase: No, I haven’t seen or heard anything out of the ordinary in any of the 50-plus buildings that I’ve photographed over the last seven years. Maybe I’m not a “sensitive,” which is the word used to describe someone who senses the unusual even when nothing can be seen or heard.

I can only recall one house, in Wisconsin, where I had a feeling of foreboding, but was that attributable to the spirits that inhabit the house? Maybe it was just the painted portrait of a long-lost relative that hung on the wall where I was shooting. I swear his eyes were following me around the room, just like in those corny old haunted house movies. On the other hand, there have been several coincidences that someone could attribute to the paranormal.

Most recently, I photographed a house with a spooky reputation built in 1768, right here in the Lehigh Valley. There have been so many instances where volunteers have heard noises and seen shadows while working on the property that they contacted ghost hunters who agreed to spend time in the house to stage an investigation. Their experiences and findings were reported during a broadcast of their cable program. They did indeed catch several unusual sounds and movements, many caught on camera.

Do I believe in the paranormal? Yup! You might say that science does as well because anything that hasn’t been disproven might well be true. If you’d like to get the details relating to my “coincidences,” write back and tell me that you want to know more.

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